Our Candles

Our Candles

Be strong, Be sensitive, Be kind, Be happy, Be true... and always Be You!

With our candles we would like to inspire and remind you that you can Be anyone you want to be! Sometimes we get so got up with what others want us to be and we forget who we are.

Root Chakra

Sanskrit Translation: Muladhara

Color: Red

Location: At the bottom of the spine

The official name of this chakra, Muladhara, actually translates as "root" and "support.

This chakra's role is to connect all of your physical, bodily energy with the Earth itself. In other words, this chakra "grounds" you.

 Your root chakra is also linked to everything you need to survive. This includes the act of breathing, eating, sleeping, and experiencing physical security.

 When unbalanced you feel anxiety, fear, problems with your reproductive organs, lower back issues, Kidney stones cold cold feet.

 Foods that help balance: Beets, Parsnip, Apples, Proteins, Strawberries

When your first chakra is balanced, you'll feel a deep sense of peace.

You'll feel safe knowing that all of your core needs are met. Because of this, all total body healing starts here.

Sacral Chakra

Sanskrit Translation: Svadhisthana

Color: Orange

Location: In your pelvic region, a couple of inches below the belly button.

Also known as "the place of the self," the sacral chakra is, therefore, all about your creative identity as a human

This chakra's role is to connect all of your physical, bodily energy with the Earth itself. In other words, this chakra "grounds" you.

This chakra helps you enjoy your life here on Earth.

It's the energy that motivates you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

When unbalanced you lack creativity, withheld intimacy, emotional isolation, hip pain, ovarian cysts.

Foods that help balance: Seeds, Mangoes, Pumpkins, Oranges, Carrots, Pumpkins

When your second chakra is balanced, you'll truly relish all the finer things in life. Because of this, you'll enjoy them without overdoing them.

Solar Plexus Chakra 

Sanskrit Translation: Manipura

Color: Yellow

Location: In your stomach--around two to three inches above the belly button. The Manipura energy center further translates as "the lustrous gem.

This is because this is the chakra where your self- confidence and personal power sit together in harmony.

Many call the solar plexus chakra the "warrior chakra" as well. This is because this is by far the most powerful supporting chakra for bravery and boundary-setting.  

When unbalanced you have low self-esteem, control issues, manipulative tendencies, digestive problem, goal stones, liver issues, bloating, procrastination.

Foods that help balance: Yellow peppers, Pineapple, Ginger, Oats, spelt, bananas, yellow squash.

When balanced, high self-esteem and self-worth, self-esteem, pleasure, willpower.

Heart Chakra

Sanskrit Translation: Anahata

Color: Green

Location: In the chest, in and around the heart space

Interestingly, the Sanskrit term for the heart chakra translates to the state of being "unhurt." Because of this, when you're experiencing feelings of love, compassion, and kindness..it's this energy center you're connecting to.  

When unbalanced you can experience heart and lung problems, asthma, allergies, fear of intimacy.

Foods that help balance: Broccoli, Kale, Chard, Pears, Avocadoes and all other leafy greens.

In spite of all its translations, this chakra is fundamentally just about love. Love is the most healing frequency of all. Similarly, when your heart chakra is balanced, you are easily able to feel love and empathy for yourself and others.

3rd Eye Chakra

Sanskrit Translation: Ajna

Color: Indigo

Location: Between the eyebrows, extending to your brain's pineal gland.

The infamous third eye chakra, Ajna, roughly translates as "beyond wisdom." This is because this mystic energy center opens you up to expanded states of consciousness. They go way beyond the five senses and the material world we live in.

Extrasensory perception, intuition, and psychic abilities are all born from the third eye. This is because of the brain's small yet extremely powerful pinecone-shaped gland. It sits just behind Ajna, and goes by the name of the "pineal gland."  

When unbalanced you could have depression, poor eyesight, hormonal imbalances, Migraines and Sinus issues.

Foods that help balance: Purple berries, Plums, Purple grapes and more.

When your third eye is balanced, you'll feel in tune with the physical and spiritual world. You'll also be able to connect with both your ego and your soul.


Crown Chakra

Sanskrit Translation: Sahasrara

Color: Violet or White

Location: At the very top of your head, resting on your crown.

According to most tantric yoga traditions, the final chakra translates as "a thousand petals." This refers to its beautiful, petal-laden symbology, Sahasrara is nothing but pure consciousness, connecting you to the Universe. This complete Universe is also known as "Om." And it's quite literally nothing personal.

When it comes to the concept of the crown chakra, it's something we all have in common. Every human, animal, plant, ecosystem, planet, and star has that same life force energy.

When unbalanced you might experience issues sleep/wake cycles, Learning difficulties, Parkinson dieses.

Foods that help balance: Purple berries, Plums, Purple grapes.

Achieving a balanced crown chakra is the goal of any spiritual practice. Transcending suffering is known in the Buddhist tradition as "Nirvana." Once truly balanced, you've achieved enlightenment.